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Digital Connectivity Working Group

The ADEPT Digital Connectivity Working Group, established in January 2018, is a 'Task and Finish' group focusing on the short to medium term delivery of improved broadband and mobile connectivity at the local level. The Working Group supports the ADEPT Transport and Connectivity Board.

Part of the group's remit is to support the LGA's Digital Connectivity Working Group, which is looking at how to improve digital connectivity for people in non-metropolitan areas. In June 2019, ADEPT published its policy position on how to deliver digital connectivity across the country post Brexit. The Digital Connectivity Working Group has three ambitions:

  1. Developing an evidence base to engage Government and Ofcom on the discrepancy between mobile coverage data and consumer experience on the ground 
  2. Building our understanding of what will be required at a local level to deliver the Prime Minister’s ‘full-fibre by 2025’ proposal
  3. Political leadership in supporting areas such as: planning reform, ensuring new build developments incorporate gigabit-capable internet connections, and skills.

In addition to the three ambitions, the ADEPT Digital Connectivity Working Group will be: 

  • Reviewing the four different consultation documents published on the DCMS website on 27 August, relating to 5G and mobile broadband
  • Eagerly awaiting a further Government announcement which, according to several industry sources, could see an amendment to the full fibre pledge and a shift in language to include a wider range of technologies
  • Sharing good practice and developing common solutions, including working with the mobile network operators to respond with real coverage action and establishing how we can collectively engage most effectively with DCMS.  This will support our approach to developing the evidence base to engage Government and Ofcom in relation to discrepancies.

The group's full terms of reference can be found here.

For more information, please contact the Chair Ceren Clulow: [email protected] 

Group Documents

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