President update 31st March - latest news from ADEPT
Hello everyone,
Spring has finally arrived and with it comes a fresh wave of activity and progress.
I attended the National Flood Resilience Forum chaired by Minister Emma Hardy, focusing on enhancing flood resilience across the UK. I also participated in the MHCLG Local Government Funding Reform Strategy group, where we discussed the upcoming business rates consultation and funding changes planned for April 2026.
March also saw the Interchange event in Manchester, where I delivered a keynote speech and participated in a roundtable with National Highways. I received the annual update from the Canal & River Trust; and I had the pleasure of chairing a joint ADEPT / CIWEM webinar on adaptation and resilience. It was also brilliant to meet the 14th cohort of the Leadership Development Programme too. What an enthusiastic lot they were.
Onto ADEPT updates – I really enjoyed the Live Labs 2 Expo 2025 in Liverpool. The engagement and collaboration demonstrated throughout the event was really positive and showcased real, tangible progress in decarbonising UK highways, with innovative presentations from SMEs and key sector specialists. I loved the “silent” presentations, nearly as good as a silent disco!
If you weren't able to join us, don't worry - there's another opportunity coming soon through the online Live Labs 2 Mini Expo on 30th April. It will be a way to meet, discuss and contribute to the Live Labs 2 programme, helping to share learnings so far and set out priorities for the year ahead. Find out more here.
ADEPT provided comment on the Spring Statement last week, where we again called for more comprehensive support for local government and critical infrastructure.
I am keen that we support members as local government grapples with local government reorganisation and devolution. Please do register here to attend our 1st webinar on LGR (4th April) and here to attend the 2nd webinar on Devolution (1st May). The secretariat will be running webinars on specific issues going forward.
As we look ahead to late spring, I'd like to remind everyone that bookings are now open for the ADEPT Spring Conference and Annual Awards Dinner on 22nd May. This year's theme, 'Resilience in Place,' couldn't be more timely, with sessions covering economic, environmental and human resilience. It's an excellent opportunity to connect with colleagues, share achievements, and explore innovative approaches to the challenges we're facing. Don't forget to book your place now!
For more updates on ADEPT's latest news, publications, and the work of our boards and groups, visit our website: