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Natural Capital and Heritage Group

Natural Capital and Heritage Working Group objectives

  1. To develop the ADEPT Natural Capital and Heritage Working Group membership and structure and build and maintain effective partnerships with Defra, central agencies, local government bodies and relevant professional associations.
  2.  To work with Defra, and other relevant Government departments and agencies, to:
    i) Influence the implementation of the 25 Year Environment Plan (and its associated initiatives)
    ii) Influence the development of emerging environmental legislation and respond to climate change carbon net zero 2050 target
    iii) Ensure there is sufficient understanding, capability and capacity within local authorities to respond to any new burdens/responsibilities. 
  3.  To consider the impacts on and role for natural capital and heritage in respect of Climate Change; and, in particular, provide a focus on natural solutions for climate change.
  4.  To share best practice, experience and sources of information amongst members and with Defra and associated agencies.
  5.  Make links and contributions to the wider work of the Environment Board.

The NCH group is co-chaired by Liz Milne ([email protected]) and Tim De-Keyser ([email protected])


Group Documents

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