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ADEPT / FHRG Highways Innovation Conference - 21 October



In advance of COP26, the ADEPT/Future Highways Research Group Autumn Innovation Conference will be held on 21st October 2021 and will focus on climate change and the path to Net Zero Carbon. This virtual conference presents the draft release of GHG Scope 1 & 2 Guidance, with a comprehensive assessment of progress and learning from the FHRG working group and our research partners. Research proposals for developing GHG Scope 3 Guidance and the Carbon Zero Highways: Future Options programme will also be discussed and debated by members in interactive, member-led sessions.

  1. Part 1: Scope 1 & 2 Guidance
    1. Progress Update
    2. Lessons Learnt (Interviews & Workshops Feedback)
    3. Draft Guidance Overview
    4. Peer Reviews & Guidance Release Schedule
  2. Part 2: Scope 3 Planning
    1. Scope 3: Research Proposal Overview
    2. Sector Announcements: Scope 3: 2022 Research Programme & Sector Pledges
    3. Research Groups (Working & Steering)
    4. Timescales & Deliverables
  3. Part 3: Carbon Zero Highways: Future Options
    1. Identified Options for Carbon Footprint Reduction
    2. “Big Impact” Case Studies
    3. Building a Curated Library of CO2 Change Programmes

The conference is open free of charge to all ADEPT members: register here

Members of the FHRG will be registered automatically.

Media enquiries: please contact Coast Communications 01579 352600 | VAT number: 337 0556 05 | Website by Cosmic