ADEPT produce a monthly newsletter, designed to keep members and partners informed about current ADEPT activities and events. Our newsletter is distributed to ADEPT members only, but you may view past issues below. If you are a member but are not currently receiving the newsletter, please email [email protected] to be added to the circulation list.
Welcome to our March 2016 newsletter
First newsletter of 2016
Local government settlement, latest government consultations and flood risk research
Free resources, conference updates and diary dates
Last chance to sign up - Britain's Smart Cities
ADEPT Annual Conference 2015
Upcoming conferences plus a new waste prevention toolkit
Flood Expo, diary dates, media coverage and the latest policy news from ADEPT
Budget Special and a new ADEPT President
Post-election special: Cabinet & Select Committee Updates, Queen's Speech and President's Meeting
County devolution report, plus manifesto summaries and new online resources
What's the Big Deal?