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President's Update

This blog page features updates from ADEPT's President, Ann Carruthers.

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President update 6th January - latest news from ADEPT

Hello everyone, Happy New Year! As we step into 2025, I'm really optimistic about the potential ahead of us. This new year brings important work and exciting opportunities for ADEPT and our members. Despite the challenges, our collaborative spirit and commitment to creating better places remains stronger than ever.

I recently attended the inaugural MHCLG Local Government Funding Reform Strategic Group meeting to ensure ADEPT’s voice is heard. The discussions highlighted the delicate balance required in funding distribution, weighing 'need' against incentives and addressing the unique challenges faced by rural and urban areas. 

I also had a fascinating conversation with the National Infrastructure Commission, who are researching the characteristics of effective infrastructure project pipelines, and with Dan Corry who is leading the Defra review on whether the inherited regulatory landscape is fit for purpose and supporting economic growth while protecting the environment.

I was delighted to attend the annual CIHT luncheon, where I had the pleasure of sitting next to CIHT president, Glen Lyons, and my good friend Alison Irvine, CEO of Transport Scotland.

In December, we were pleased to see the government take a decisive step forward on devolution with the release of the English Devolution White Paper. This clear intent to deliver reorganisation of local governance presents a strategic opportunity to address long standing issues facing local government.

As we head into 2025, there’s plenty to look forward to, and I’m excited to share some of the opportunities ahead for ADEPT and our members. For instance, the closing date for our Leadership Development Programme is quickly approaching, so don’t miss your chance to apply or encourage your team to do so before the deadline of 17th January. 

Speaking of opportunities, don’t forget that the ADEPT Live Labs 2 Expo booking website is open, so please apply for your place.

Later this month, we’ll also be launching our innovative Gen Z recruitment campaign, a creative response to workforce challenges in local authorities. Watch this space!

Finally, we are now accepting submissions to the annual ADEPT President's Awards. These awards offer a fantastic opportunity to showcase the incredible work being done by our members and partners. I’d like to encourage you to take a moment to think about your work. What might feel like ‘business as usual’ to you could, in fact, represent a pioneering approach or an exceptional achievement when seen through someone else’s eyes. This is your chance to celebrate the incredible efforts transforming communities across the country – find out more.

Here's to another year of impactful, meaningful work for our communities and places. 

For more updates on ADEPT's latest news, publications, and the work of our boards and groups, visit our website:

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