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President's Update

This blog page features updates from ADEPT's President, Ann Carruthers.

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President update - latest news from ADEPT – September 2024

Hello everyone! 

As we move into September, I hope you've all had a chance to enjoy some summer sunshine and recharge your batteries.

You will be aware that the government issued a number of policy announcements and announced the spending review in the run up to recess. So it’s timely that the government asks we've been working on are now published on the ADEPT website, focusing on housing, waste, transport and climate change. You can find them here. These asks represent our collective voice on key issues affecting our sector, so please take a moment to review them.

We met with DEFRA, discussing their priorities under the new government, including the recently announced review of the Environmental Improvement Plan, planning reforms, waste management, and local environmental initiatives, with a focus on stakeholder engagement and collaborative efforts to address key environmental challenges. We also continue to support DfT in collating evidence to feed into the spending review. 

Devolution continues to be a key theme for the new government. Contributing to the debate, ADEPT will be co-hosting a webinar with the Blueprint Coalition on 11th September - How can devolution deliver on environmental ambition? The webinar will explore the impact of devolution on climate and nature initiatives - you can register here.

Don’t forget the deadline for applying for the new Leadership Pathway Programme is fast approaching – we need Expressions of Interest submitted by Friday 20th September. Developed in partnership with Solace, this programme has been designed to meet the needs of those people who are in the early days of their career journey and looking to move into a more senior leadership role. It is the precursor to ADEPT’s highly regarded Leadership Development Programme.

Speaking of events, have you booked your place for the ADEPT Autumn Conference yet? This year the theme is ‘Creating places fit for the future: our past, our present, our future’ and it will take place at the Marriott Royal Hotel in Bristol on 21st and 22nd November. You can find out more and book your place here. It’s also your last chance to register for the National Traffic Managers' Conference on 9th October in Derby. Reserve your place and find more details here.

As always, for more updates on ADEPT's latest news, publications, and the work of our boards and groups, visit our website.

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